About Shauna

As mentioned on the home page Shauna was born August 13, 1977 in Portland Oregon. In being honest I was really hoping that we would have a little boy and went so far to pick the name "Shaun". When the baby was born needless to say a boy she was not! When I first saw this tiny incredible being with a full head of dark black hair and a perfectly round little head my heart melted and I could not wait to hold her. She was her daddy's baby from the first time I laid my eyes on her. In those days I worked two jobs to make ends meet for our family. When I got off work late at night I would walk up to her crib and most of the times she would be wide awake so I picked her up, warmed a bottle and took her to our room while I fed her as her mom slept. She would lay on my chest until she fell asleep. To this day I can still smell her sweet hair and would not trade those times for anything.  There is not enough room to write all I would like to so instead I will write the highlights. Shauna was active with Jobs Daughters and Rainbow Girls. She excelled in school and Graduated High School as their Valedictorian. She recieved a scholarship and attended Arizona State University where she graduated with honors. She later received a scholarship for St. Mary's Law Shool in San Antonio, Texas. Shauna married and had two daughters Alexis and Vanessa.



My family is fortunate in that we own an aircraft and I am a licensed pilot who has several ratings in different type of planes. I was able to take Shauna to many different places such as MD Anderson, UT Medical Center Dallas, Cancer Treatment Centers to name a few. While at these facilities we had the privillege of meeting other individuals and families all dealing with similar diseases as we were. While waiting for Shauna during her treatments I struck up conversations with many of these folks and was surprised to find that so many lived in rural and remote areas far from these treatment centers. I also learned that many of these folks traveled for hours and even days to get to and from their treatment locations. After Shauna passed away and when the pain of her loss subsided a bit I decided to research to see if there was any type of organization in place to help folks in need of transportation. I was pleasantly surprised to find one and decided I would volunteer my time and aircraft to help with transporting patients and at times a few of their family members who would accompany them on the flights. I have to say that it was one of the most emotional draining experiences I have ever had as well as being the most rewarding.


It became apparent that there is a need for pilots as well as planes to help fly these missions of transporting families for needed care. As a pilot I know firsthand how extremely expensive it is to fly, maintain and pay for fuel of an aircraft. There are several pilots who would love to donate their time and skills to help with this worthy mission but do not have the resources to allow them to be able to do these flights. I decided to form a charity and apply for (501C3) status which was granted and will allow me to help fund part of the operation costs of these missions for pilots who are willing to donate their time to provide this much needed service. The creation of this charity will help us to generate funding by donations as well as charity events and allow those who want to help with a path to do so. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO SHAUNA"S ANGELS ARE DEDUCTABLE in accordance with IRS 510C-3 rules.











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